The e-learning platform helps you to provide ongoing training and retraining of all employees with the goal inculcating a common shared corporate goal among all employees. From the time an employee joins, the online platform can help from induction training programs, to process, compliance, and customer services trainings while deployed on the job. If your organization must stay up-to-date with current compliance regulations, then a Learning Management System can be an invaluable tool. Compliance laws chance on a regular basis, and updating a traditional course to reflect these changes can be a time-consuming chore
Competency Mapping
The platform keeps up to date records of individual employee performances of all trainings allowing you to identify key resources as well as those that require retraining. Continue to retrain online with the reduced cost benefit until all employees are at the same competency level.
E-Learning Marketing Support
Marketing strategy is an integral part of your implementation and an essential component of a successful eLearning support program. We provide you with the marketing tools and strategy you need to ensure the success of your E-Learning programs.
Maximize ROI
It is empowering for employees to learn practical, relevant content that helps them close the skills gap in their careers. Supernet E-Solutions' technology-enabled learning techniques can help you save as much as 68% over traditional training methods- virtual learning with award-winning content, world-class service, and unmatched experience, resulting in stronger skills, more engaged employees, lower costs and higher business returns.
Impact Analysis
Supernet E-Solutions' Impact Analysis helps our customers clearly demonstrate the business impact of eLearning investments and benchmark their efforts for ongoing assessment. Using our learning growth model we conduct extensive research across our global customer base to identify trends and anchors of successful implementations and measure our effectiveness in our customers' organizations.